Support EasyVirtualChoir by becoming a member!

Has EasyVirtualChoir (EVC) been valuable to you? Please consider supporting us by becoming a member! This helps us to keep the site going and build more easy-to-use features for you and your ensembles 😊

Membership options

$15to25 / month
Export songs with 50-100 tracks
Upload multiple accompaniment tracks
Download individual audio tracks for further editing
Rearrange video tracks
$50 / month
All bronze member features
Export songs with 100-200 tracks
Advanced audio editing capabilities, such as noise reduction & removal, reverb and more
Add subtitles to video
Add title and end slide

Have suggestions on features you'd like to see? Submit your ideas at !

Other ways to support EVC

1. Share the word!

Please share about EVC with friends, family, music directors, fine arts directors, and anyone else who you think could benefit! Seeing families, friends, and communities unite (worldwide!) through music is what gives us joy at EVC.

2. Share your story! (Help us get news coverage)

Shortly after creating EVC, I had a dream: "No group should have to cancel performances due to the pandemic!" We think getting onto the news will move us a step closer towards that dream coming true! If you know a local newspaper, radio station, or TV station that would be willing to cover your ensemble and how you use EVC, or if you have already done so, please share with us at

3. Share your passion! (Help to organize community events)

We have long considered the idea of hosting a site-wide singalong on EVC, but haven't had the time to organize it ourselves! If someone is interested in this idea and would like to spearhead that effort (both musically and administratively), please reach out at

Membership FAQs

Can I cancel my membership?
Yes, you may cancel your membership at any time. The membership is renewed on a monthly basis.

Does my entire ensemble need to get a membership?
No - but please encourage them to support us!

I need an invoice! How do I get one?
Email us at and we'll send you an invoice!

What does the paid membership mean for non-members?
The existing features will continue to be available to non-members. We want to help as many people as possible! The paid membership is an important step towards making EVC sustain over the long run and keep pace with the rapidly increasing demand for our service. However, to manage our costs, we will begin introducing resource limits for non-members, including but not limited to: total storage space, size of songs that can be exported, and total number of exports per day.

That being said, we don't want cost to be a barrier to anyone. If you have a financial constraint, let us know at We'll see if we can work something out.

I've donated before the membership option came out!
If you've donated via Paypal, Patreon, or check before the Membership option came out, please let us know via email at We'd be happy to credit your donations towards a membership so you try out our new features!